Spring in Jackson Hole is the best time of year if you love cute baby animals! We are welcoming new additions to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks left and right. At Inn on the Creek, a Jackson Hole Bed and Breakfast, we can’t get enough of these little guys and love to learn everything we can about them. Here are some fun facts about a few of our favorite species in Jackson Hole.
Photo Credit Jackson Hole Eco Tour Adventures
Bison calves definitely take the cake for the largest babies born in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, weighing in at 30 – 70 lbs at birth. Bison cows give birth to one calf in April or May. You may hear locals refer to these guys as “red dogs” for obvious reasons. The reason behind their red coloring may not be as obvious, though. That red fluffy fur actually helps camouflage them against the green grasses of spring and early summer. Most predator species are red-green colorblind, so they have a difficult time spotting the bison calves. They will turn brown and start to grow that signature shoulder hump after a few months.
Photo Credit El Vizcaino Biosphere Preserve in Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Pronghorn does will complete their roughly 150 mile migration while still very pregnant. They will give birth, often to twins, once they’ve reached Grand Teton National Park in late spring. Pronghorn fawns are the athletic all-stars of baby animals. They are able to take wobbly steps 30 minutes after being born. After four days they can outrun humans, and in one week they can outrun a horse, if necessary. The does will separate from the herd to have their fawns, but will rejoin herds of does and fawns two weeks after their young are born.
Photo Credit Verlin C Stephens.
Grizzly bear cubs are actually born in January/February, but don’t make an appearance outside of the den until late April/early May. Grizzly sows will typically give birth to 1-3 cubs, depending on their health going into hibernation in the fall. Once out of the den, the cubs will follow their mother around learning how to forage and hunt properly. They will also enjoy play time with their siblings. They will stay with their mothers until they are roughly two years old, going into hibernation with her one or two more times.
Come visit our Jackson Hole Bed and Breakfast this spring and help welcome this young wildlife to one of the most beautiful places on earth!