A snowy Mountain Bluebird. Photo Credit Verlin C Stephens
Spring is the season when we can again spot some of our favorite wildlife valley residents. Most have migrated to spend the winter elsewhere or hibernated the winter away. Recently a number of us at the Inn have been seeing those animals that signify the arrival of spring. One of our favorite Jackson Hole Spring Activities is viewing the returning wildlife.
Mountain Bluebirds are one of the first bird species to return to Jackson Hole in the spring. They arrive in all of their glory with extremely vibrant blue coloring meant to aid them during their mating season right now.
Mountain Bluebird. Photo Credit Verlin C Stephens
Many other songbirds, such as Meadowlarks are returning right now. A great spot to partake in this wildlife watching is the observation deck behind the Jackson Hole & Greater Yellowstone Visitor Center. With an elevated view of the National Elk Refuge and Flat Creek, you are sure to spot at least a few songbirds and water fowl. This visitor center is located a short walk from the Inn and has a lot of information regarding local wildlife available in displays, as well as well-informed employees.
Maybe you would enjoy a quiet morning in your room at the Inn on the Creek instead of an early start wildlife watching? Our creekside rooms offer a spectacular view of Flat Creek and the water birds that frequent it. Click here for more room details.
The Sage Grouse are in the midst of their mating season. The males can be seen performing their mating “dances” for the females. These shows are not to be missed. Their lekking grounds, or mating grounds, in Grand Teton National Park are located a beautiful 20 minute drive from the Inn on the Creek.
Sage Grouse. Photo Credit Verlin C Stephens
Not to be outdone by the birds, our local elk herd will be moving off of the National Elk Refuge soon. They will be taking ancient migration routes north into the nearby National Parks and National Forest land where they will spend the summer and fall. These paths have been passed down through the matriarchs of the herd over time.
It’s no secret the bears of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks steal the wildlife watching show every year- spring, summer, and fall. Grizzly bears have been spotted in Yellowstone National Park already this spring, and the bears in Grand Teton are sure to follow soon. After hibernating all winter, these animals are on the prowl looking for food. They can be most easily spotted at lower elevations on the valley floor looking for new plant growth.
An early spring Grizzly bear and cub spotting in Grand Teton.
There are many other animals that will continue to be easy to view throughout the spring season, such as:
Wildlife watching is one of the most thrilling Jackson Hole Spring Activities. With all of the animals waking up and returning to the valley, you never know what you may see on your drive through the area!