We have had a great time getting the grounds into spectacular shape at Inn on the Creek, one of the best hotels in Jackson Hole. This is a labor of love for our small staff and everyone pitches in. Our tranquil grounds with Flat Creek running through are one of the Inn’s highlight, which our guest’s love to relax and enjoy. Please enjoy our picture gallery of the grounds during early summer.
Love the little flowers on our Choke Cherry! We love our newly installed stoned pathway to the back rooms. This new path way was designed and built by Frederick Landscaping. Our two and four legged guests love the lush grass that Casey and Amy diligently maintain.
Our garden on the south side of the Inn is called many things- shade garden, zen garden or our secret garden. No matter what you call it this garden is gorgeous! This statue added by Casey definitely lends to the zen name.
We look forward to showing off our beautiful gardens and grounds all summer long at Inn on the Creek, one of the best hotels in Jackson Hole.